About me

My voice – your experience
For the doctor it is the healed person, for the confectioner a perfect celebration cake and for the scientist a groundbreaking new insight. For me it is to reach my audience with my voice. Since my school days I have enjoyed standing in front of groups, whether as a speaker, presenter or singer. As a coach in the school system, I never really felt at home and leading through the city is no longer enough for me. I used the time during the pandemic to expand my knowledge on topics like equality, feminism and diversity. I’m on fire for these topics, and out of that came my platform www.HerMusicWorld.com.
If I am to believe others, I am a combination of empathy, humor and creativity. And a doer. Don’t just think it, do it. These are my ingredients to contribute to positive social change.
Here you can find more information about my professional career under the corresponding signatures.
Moderation for the MaulbärKlipp YouTube channel
Contributions of the cultural magazine MaulbeerBlatt
May 2023 – today
- Research work, moderation of interviews, post-production (short text, sorting of article content, subtitles)
Moderation of GeoCaches and company events, GeoRoutes
April 2013 – today
- Moderation, implementation and planning of GeoCaching tours throughout Europe
City guide for Berlin – freelancer
May 2009 – October 2023
- Planning, research and implementation of city tours in Berlin
Moderation of interactive city tour FUNKE Digital
October 2022
Development of platform and production of podcast for the visibility of women* in the music industry www.hermusicworld.com
June 2021 – today
Moderation of a 16-day music livestream
Mastul Session #2, Mastul e.V. Berlin
March 2021
Moderation Zoey’s Berlin, 4 episodes broadcast ZIBB, RBB Berlin
May – July 2020
Production & moderation livestream Kiezstadt guided tours
in Berlin
March – July 2020
Coach for personal development
Coach for personal development and creative coach
Campaign to inspire children Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin
2013 – 2021
- Development and implementation of creative school projects to find and strengthen social skills at disadvantaged schools in Berlin
Coach for personal development
FIKO | FORUM Vocational Training | SOS Children’s Village
March 2013 – July 2021
- Internship and vocational preparation seminars for young people at schools
Music coach
Theater school project week Edith-Stein-Schule, Ludwigslust
July 2013
- Development of the sounds and atmosphere noises for the play with 20 primary school children
Studies at the Free University of Berlin
theater studies, musicology, general art history, without degree
October 2007 – October 2009
Apprenticeship & Certification as hotel manageress
Hilton Hotel Berlin
February 2004 – February 2006
Advanced training in process and project management
CBM Project Management GmbH Hamburg/Berlin
May 2023 – September 2023
- Certification by PM-Zert for Project Management IPMA Level D
Certification as Professional Scrum Master™ I (PSM I) & Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I) from Scrum.org I
Project Work/Report: “Pilot Network Event “Her*MusicWorld at RedeFluss””
- Creative Industry Workshops ARTwert, Berlin
2021 – 2022
Acquisition- Text workshop, Crowdfundin-Social Payments, Creative Business Models in Change, Writing workshop, “HandsOn: Social Media Workshop”, Podcasting
Certification as resource-oriented trauma therapist
Arche Medica Berlin
May 2014 – January 2015
Receipt of permission as non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy
District Office Lichtenberg v. Berlin
July 2014
Certification as a coach for personal development
Arche Medica Berlin
October 2013 – May 2014
Certification as medical masseuse and wellness trainer
Winkels Academy Berlin
January 2011 – May 2011
Classical vocal training with Verena Rein, Berlin
2003 – 2012

I am on fire and passionate about supporting you in these topics:
How you can inspire audiences with an authentic and captivating performance in different contexts (e.g. pedagogy, culture, moderation).
How you can resolve conflicts in private and professional relationships and cultivate non-violent and appreciative communication.
Why it’s never too late to become an intersectional feminist* – for a healing path to yourself and a world of equality!
Explore how 20th century history influences our behavior around communication and relationships, and how transgenerational trauma continues to haunt us.
Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the effect and variety of my voice. The power of classical singing had particularly impressed me. My grandparents played a big role in encouraging me on my musical path. As a teenager, I took advantage of every free opportunity to make music or sing. Many who experienced me on this path encouraged me and saw in me a diamond in the rough.
Coming of age, earning my first money in Berlin, I seized the opportunity and sought out a vocal coach to learn a healthy, classical vocal technique. To this day, I am deeply grateful to Verena Rein for her expertise and school.
Meanwhile, my vocal passion is jazz, interdisciplinary projects (ex. theater and singing), as well as fusion genres (neo soul, electro jazz, electro).

Mew Matou

Berlin Jazz FLINTAKestra
My vision for 2024: a music-making, mutually supportive community for Jazz-FLINTA* in Berlin. To make the jazz stages even more diverse and where I can use my voice.

Free projects
I love to dedicate myself to new interdisciplinary, musical projects (theater, performance, event) with an open mind and curiosity.

"Der Denkgenuss" Newsletter
“The Thinking Delight” – A german language newsletter/blog that provides you with a pinch of Zoey Zoley and thoughtfulness. Get delicious food for thought, sprinkled with a dash of humor de la Zoey to get your brain rattling and your stomach growling. From astute observations on life to books, documentaries and quotes that have inspired me. And hey, if you want to know where and when I magically serve my brain lard on a sandwich with bread, then this monthly changing news menu is just the thing for you.
Brain lard à la Zoey served on a sandwich with bread. The toppings are as varied as a crazy mixtape: feminism, socio-psychology, music, equal opportunities & Wende-children (GDR millennials born in the 1980s).
Grab a bite and let’s enjoy the pleasure of thinking together in a humorous and witty way!